Jellyfish and Coral

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Jellyfish and Coral
Type: tag game
Number of players: 10 or more
Location: playing field
Equipment: none
Duration: a few minutes per round
Preparation: none

Jellyfish and coral is a tag game for larger groups of 10 players or more.


You don't need any equipment.


One player (the jellyfish) is the tagger. The other players are undefined fish. Both groups are standing on opposite ends of the playing field. After a command of the trainer, both groups cross the playing field. All players may only move forwards and side wards, but never backwards. The jellyfish tries to tag the other players; all players touched by him transfer into corals. They keep standing at the position where they were tagged and from the next round on support the jellyfish. They can also tag other players (the fish), but as corals they cannot move away from their standing position.

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