Toilet paper roll

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Toilet paper roll
Type: icebreaker
Number of players: any number, not too many
Location: everywhere
Equipment: one roll of toilet paper
Duration: about one minute for each participant
Preparation: none

Toilet paper roll is an ice breaker game for smaller groups. It is typically used when new groups meet each other for the first time.


You need one roll of toilet paper. Alternatively, you can use other small and separable objects (sweets like M&Ms, etc.).


The players are standing in a circle. Each participant has to take as many parts of the paper as he seems right (no hints are given what is "right").

When each player has taken his share, the actual task is disclose: For each part he has taken, he has to disclose something about himself. Usually, you offer some guidelines for what information to disclose, like:

  • Always say your name first
  • For the first sheet taken, also express your age
  • For the second sheet, express some of your hobbies
  • For the third sheet, tell the group your occupation
  • and so on