Writing and drawing

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Writing and drawing
Type: creative writing and drawing game
Number of players: at least 4, but best with a lot more!
Location: everywhere (best on a table)
Equipment: pen and paper
Duration: 10-20 minutes per round
Preparation: none

Writing and drawing is a creative variation of the game Chinese whispers.


  • each player needs pen and paper
  • usually, the game is played while sitting around a table.


The players are sitting in a circle (best around a table). Each gets a sheet of paper and a pen. Then, each player invents a certain scene he can think of and paints it on top of the sheet. The sheet is passed on (all players pass on to their neighbor in the same direction). Then, everybody looks at the scene he got and tries to describe it in a short sentence. This sentence is written on the paper below the painted scene. Then, the paper is folded so that only the written line can be seen, but not the painting. Again, the sheet is passed on to the next neighbor. This person has to read the text and create a (new) painting, resembling the sentence. After some time, the scene is likely to change more and more. Of course, you may not just ask your neighbor what he meant by his sentence or what the drawing shows - just like when playing Chinese whispers, you get no further hints!

Everybody has to take care not to consume too much space while painting and drawing. The drawings should not consume too much space, so several iterations can be put on one sheet of paper and be easily folded away.